Content marketing has seen an unprecedented rise in the last decade. From being a mere practice of businesses blogging regularly, the industry has now matured. There are dedicated content departments leveraging this marketing channel, and billions of dollars are poured into it every year.

But with more brands jumping on it, the content landscape has become fiercely competitive. And most of the articles published online fail to gain any kind of attention. They are barely shared on social media, and rarely reach their target audience.

So to understand how top-performing content marketing programs are faring excellently, I went down in the trenches. And found the following key insights:

  • A documented content strategy is still rare among most marketers, but it’s taken seriously by companies that have found success with content marketing.
  • While it’s okay to outsource a few aspects (like content creation), most companies now create a dedicated content team of 1 to 3 specialists in-house.
  • It’s important to tie content marketing to metrics like traffic, leads, and sales. Try to demonstrate the ROI of your efforts.
  • The top business bloggers are spending over 6 hours in an article, and writing comprehensive 3000+ word articles. That’s what gets more shares, earns more links, and leads to an influx of organic traffic.
  • While Google has started stealing clicks from organic listings with featured snippets and the like, it remains the top traffic referrer on the web. A majority of marketers still rely on and invest in SEO as it promises compounding returns.
  • Visuals and videos are engaging content formats that consumers love. If you haven’t started investing in them, then allocate about 20% of your budget to these formats in 2020. Your audience will thank you!

Whether you’re a freelance writer looking for gigs, or a company wanting to glean on how your competitors are planning their content marketing programs, here’s an infographic (designed by Graphic Rhythm Designs) on key content marketing statistics you need to know in 2020:

Designed By: Graphic Rhythm Designs

Infographic Source: Elite Content Marketer