The average day sees 1.4 billion people log onto Facebook, 500 million tweets sent and 95 million photos are shared on Instagram. With this much content, the majority of social media platforms are putting algorithms in place to filter out irrelevant content. This has led to organic reach on our favourite platforms being in the single figures. For example, most Facebook pages reach less than 2% of their audience.

With this in mind, we have to be more strategic in our approach, ensuring that the content we post on social media is educational and/or entertaining to our audience. Don’t forget to consider utilising features and platforms that are either new or under-used by other brands.

Instagram stories, video content and chatbots are all good methods of engaging our audience. And the good news with these three methods is that all can be utilised whatever your industry or budget!

Here are a few ways you could utilise Instagram stories and video, for example:

  • Behind the scenes of your office or product manufacturing
  • Q&A with staff or influencers – Instagram’s new ‘ask me a question’ feature, makes this even easier!
  • Competitions
  • Staff/customer takeovers – give up the reigns of your social media accounts
  • Promote new content – if you have more than 10,000 followers, you can use Instagram’s ‘swipe up’ feature which allows you to post links

Something else to be aware of in 2018, whatever content you’re posting, is to create mobile-first or at least mobile-friendly content. As you’ll read in the infographic below, 70% of all social media time is spent on a mobile device. Therefore, keep content visual, not heavy with text and ensure videos can be watched and enjoyed without sound.

Social media is constantly evolving, check out our infographic on the current state of social media in 2018.

Source: Meltwater

We hope you’ve enjoyed the infographic. Let us know your top takeaways! Here are ours:

  • Consider using Pinterest as a marketing tool
  • Ensure you’re using video
  • Create mobile-first content
  • It’s harder than ever to remain visible against the masses of content being posted