Using information from Google Analytics, Nielsen, and Experian, the digital marketing firm iAcquire, based in Phoenix and NYC, looked at web traffic and behavior data from 2012 for various popular online dating sites. The aim of the study was to identify trends in online dating during Valentine’s Day and to understand who was interacting with whom online.

The findings showed that online dating traffic doesn’t go up on Valentine’s Day, but actually peaks several days after. Based on the data, it was determined that Valentine’s Day is largely irrelevant to people actively dating online. It does, however, have a delayed effect on singles (and other daters), causing a brief but prominent spike in traffic a few days after Valentine’s Day. Even more surprisingly, 24% of online daters are married, and that African Americans made up 3% more of the online dating community than Caucasians. More, college graduates are more likely to frequent online dating sites than those without a degree.

The study also revealed that like gym memberships, online dating site usage spikes right after the New Year between January and March.

Read more findings on the iAcquire blog

iAcquire Online Dating Analytics InfographiciAcquire Online Dating Analytics Infographic