‘Tis the Season…the Season for Star Wars, it seems, as The Force Awakens opens this week. Hopefully, the movie will improve on the dreaded prequels. Hopefully, Disney commissioned some focus groups before handing the reigns over to JJ Abrams.
Hopefully, in your market research, you have used or are considering using focus groups for qualitative projects. As qSample’s latest infographic details (channeling Star Wars for Jedi wisdom), 70% of all market research dollars at Fortune 500 companies are spent on focus groups. That’s stunning and telling at the same time.
Sure, only a minority of businesses can afford focus groups, but there are other options. Online focus groups are becoming more accessible with advances in technology. Furthermore, don’t forget that there are unscientific yet insightful focus groups in your digital domains: blog comment sections, product review posts, social media threads, and other online consumer projections.
You could also harness qSample’s QualStorm, a qualitative platform that combines internet and mobile technology to harness respondent feedback in a real-time. You can conduct in-depth interviews immediately after a respondent has completed an online survey. This allows a deeper probing into a respondent’s mind to achieve a higher level of granularity from your quantitative methodology.
Regardless and with that plug out of the way, we hope you enjoy our infographic on the fascinating journey to the Light Side that are focus groups.
Download this infographic.