You may think you know who your prospects are. But do you truly understand how to connect with them and close the deal? If not, your sales prospect persona profiles can help.

Now, don’t get confused – these are not the same as traditional buyer personas. The key difference is in how they are created. Specifically, buyer personas are based on demographic and firmographic information, such as job titles, job functions, management levels, industries, and company sizes, plus challenges and pain points. As part of the process, people also speak with their marketing, sales, finance, and client services teams. Then, they analyze their existing data to validate. The end result is a clear picture of who your best buyers are and how to speak with them.

In contrast, sales prospect persona profiles are based on the similarities you notice after countless conversations.

Here are a few common scenarios to consider:

  • You’re hearing, “Ask me again in six months”
  • You’re coordinating with 5 or more people
  • You’re trying to answer tough questions

We’d be surprised if you haven’t encountered at least one of these issues. And given the time of year, it’s especially important to address them. After all, the end of the month is almost here, and Thanksgiving cuts significantly into your phone time. It’s difficult to close deals in December, as well, since so many people take off for the holidays.

With this in mind, the experts at ZoomInfo put together an infographic, which outlines 5 common types of sales prospect personas and how to sell to them.

Learn more about how sales prospect persona profiles can help your efforts in the infographic below:

Infographic---5-Types-of-B2B-Sales-Leads (1)

View the infographic here.

View the original infographic on the ZoomInfo blog.

Would you add any additional sales prospect persona profiles to this list? Let us know in the comments below!