Last week we discussed how to create a B2B content-centric ecosystem so that B2Bs can be better prepared for today’s B2B buyer. This is a followup post based on a recent IDG study published by BtoB Magazine.

According to IDG, B2B tech buyers are becoming more and more influenced by social, mobile, and video content when making purchase decisions. And since B2B is all about relationships, a content ecosystem that publishes useful content in various formats is even more important than ever for fostering lasting relationships and helping buyers make informed decisions.

SterlingKlor’s very first infographic below (yay!), crafted by our stellar creative team, encapsulates IDGs findings and hopefully provides the necessary insight your organization needs to embark on creating a content-centric ecosystem.

How is social, mobile, and video content influencing buyer behaviour in your industry? Share your thoughts in the comments below or on Twitter (@SterlingKlor).