What if someone told you that a user reads only 20% of your content on average? Well, that is the realty according to latest Go-gulf infographic on How People read content online. Another sad reality is that the attention span of online has dropped from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds today. According to Time, 55% of page views get less than 15 seconds of attention and majority of web visitors will read fewer than 62 words on a web page. That means you have a very small window of opportunity to impress your page visitors before they bolt out. There is a lot of content being produced online every second and people are spoilt for choices. Therefore, marketers must revolutionize how they create content.
What should you do to get people to read your online content?
If you want to improve your online traffic, hence sales, you have to go the extra mile to get people to like your content. When it comes to web content, creating a web page or content is the easier part. The hard part involves getting people to get interesting in your content. Your goal as a marketer is to get people interested in reading your content as well as sharing. Here is what you need to do in order to get more people to read your content.
Create a scannable web page
People go online to research and get quick answers/solutions to their problems. As such, people will scan you content to make a quick a judgment. Usually, readers will open many tabs as they quickly scan on the web before deciding on which page to read.
Having said that, writing shorter articles is preferable to long and huge blocks of text. If you prefer longer articles, try to create short paragraphswith lots of headings and bulleting. In addition, you need to use hyperlinks highlight the keywords.
Your headlines are very critical because they are the first things people look for. Your headlines can make or break your online page. Also, remember to properly format your text.
Produce relevant content
Even if you create the best content in the world, users will navigate away if it is irrelevant to their needs. People want something relevant, not just anything. The will scan the content in order to discover whether the content is relevant.