There’s such a buzz about Breaking Bad’s Storage Unit #2065, so it’s only fitting to tackle some of the key questions people have. Just how much money was in there? According to Skyler, “there is more money here than we could spend in 10 lifetimes.” In episode 13 of season five, the amount was revealed as $80 million. had conservatively pegged the stack at $50 million. A gram of meth has a street value of about $100—so you can tell by this cash haul that Walt has been a busy and successful crook/entrepreneur.
Many people are curious about the denominations of cash that were in the unit. There’s no clear consensus on this, and the piles are quite different from episode eight to episode 10 in season five. Why was the money in the storage unit? Skyler stashed the ill-gotten meth gains underneath a bed sheet in the unit because she couldn’t count or launder that much cash. At what point did Skyler rent the storage unit? It’s believed that she waited to rent the storage unit until she was dealing with more than $10 million, according to
People also wonder how Skyler protected the mounds of cash. She kept the storage unit dry and sprayed it with little pests called silverfish. Our best guess as far as the other visible things in unit #2065 is that they consisted of a heavy-duty red tarp, 65-pint dehumidifier, professional dial scale and a two pack of insecticide spray.
Want to learn the answers to some other burning questions about storage unit #2065? Just check out the infographic below presented by SpareFoot.