The hit TV show Survivor is a reality game show that is produced in many countries around the world. The show consists of contestants who are isolated in the wilderness and compete for cash and other prizes. The show eliminates contestants by allowing the contestants to vote off other tribe members. Survivor is just what the name states, contestants must survive on their own, so, how do they cope with their health while on the show?

Over the last 25 seasons there have been 37,500 medical consultations from the on-set medical team. The show’s on-site medical team consists of 3 paramedics, 3 nurses, and 3 doctors who are on call and on site 24/7 while the show is filmed. Dr. Adrian Cohen leads the medical team and is the physician who has been at the scene of every edition of Survivor since the show debuted in 2000. Dr. Cohen and his Survivor team have no power except what is supplied by generators, and only the supplies they carry into the field.

No over the counter pain medications or minor dressings are allowed for “comfort”. Contestants are only allowed to receive medical care to keep them healthy. The medical team is on set with the contestants whenever they are gathered together in one place and when they are not with the contestants, they can be summoned by any crew member.

Most complaints are of coughs, colds, aches, and sprains. Travel illnesses like gastroenteritis are also common. More than 99% of issues are handled on the location where they are able to treat everything from major trauma, head or spinal injuries, heart attack and allergic shock. In case of an evacuation, prior arrangements are made with hospitals, both local and distant. The transport could last between 1-6 hours.

Throughout the show there have been multiple cases where contestants have had to leave the show for medical attention. Michael Skupin fell into a fire after being overcome by smoke in Australia during Season 2. Paschal English had cardiac problems during season 4 and was evacuated back to Los Angeles at the end of filming. While there are health issues that contestants deal with on the show, the hit reality series keeps people wanting more.

Check out the infographic below presented by to learn more about the medical staff of the beloved reality show Survivor.