If you’re wondering what you can do to make your site jump a little closer to the first page of results read on for a myriad of simple tactics you can employ to enhance your on-page SEO.
On-page optimization is one of the most important aspects of ranking a page for any given keyword. You can break down communication barriers using on-page optimization tactics and send stronger signals to search engines about what your page is about.
If you’ve been paying attention, stuffing your content full of keywords isn’t exactly the best way to get your site noticed.
In fact, it could be argued that keyword density is somewhat obsolete. It’s true, the strategic placement of keywords contributes to optimization, but there is no magic ratio that has been proven to lift your ranking.
There are, however, over 200 other ranking factors to consider. Many of these factors can be accounted for by enhancing your on-page SEO.
Create a competitive edge with stronger on-page SEO
Search engines are processing an enormous amount of data in their ranking algorithm. Artificial Intelligence is becoming more aware of what users want and better at determining what content will satisfy user intent. Google updates like BERT are indications of an increasingly more complex and savvy search engine.
All this being said, you don’t have to resort to tricks and secret hacks to get your site ranked on Google, but you do have a lot of information to feed the search engine that will help your chances of getting ranked.
On-page SEO isn’t just limited to keywords, but to the relevance and quality of content as well as its technical performance.
The following is an infographic that lists 50 tactics to improve on-page SEO. Even if you’re knowledgable about on-page optimization, read through and you might be able to add one more tactic to give your ranking ability a sharper competitive edge.
The list ranges through simple optimization tactics that have been proven to send stronger signals of relevance for a particular keyword as well as improve your pages’ technical performance.