The coming year promises to be one of change when it comes to the way businesses take care of the HR and payroll needs. Past years have seen a great deal of diversity, even within a single company, in how these things are handled. Not all these trends are going to be simple measures for the average HR department to tackle. The sooner you begin implementing these changes into your HR and payroll processes, though, the faster they will begin to have a positive impact on your business.

Consolidate Applications

Currently it’s quite common for business organizations to have several different applications covering HR processes. This is a problem that many companies have and it is a productivity killer. Enterprise Content Management systems (ECMs) are powerful tools that allow you to consolidate all these smaller applications that aid in processes such as: recruiting, managing talent, monitoring and managing performance, and learning new management skills into one primary application rather than several different applications.

The right HR software can incorporate all these things under one central umbrella to assists HR professionals with recruiting, managing and monitoring the talent on their radars. Having all these applications in one software system makes it a much more efficient process and saves companies a great deal of time and money while making the jobs of HR professionals through the organization much simpler.

Create Central Files

Data management and protection is one of the most important responsibilities today’s HR professionals face. Because of the nature of the HR field, personal and private information about employees is often needed in several different places at the same time. Much of this information is found laying out unguarded and unprotected. This creates a wide range of risks for the company.

One way to address this particular problem is to provide a central database from which employees in various departments can access personnel information (according to the specific components of that information they need) as needed. This not only eliminates much of the risks associated with having personal and private information so easily accessible to one and all, but it also gets rid of a lot of the papers that many companies struggle to properly store and protect—especially the crossover paperwork from copies that are made of the same papers in different departments.

BYOD Policies

More and more companies are beginning to adopt BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies that allow employees to bring in mobile devices and other tech that is intuitive to them. Not only does it improve productivity because they’re able to use their own applications, it also gives workers a great sense of empowerment and freedom.

That’s a double win from an HR perspective, and one that will ultimately increase productivity across the board. The most important thing to remember with this particular policy is that it’s absolutely necessary to protect business-related data. Education regarding safety and security is important no matter what devices your employees are using. The new trend is for companies to make it a greater priority to minimize data leaks.

This year is going to bring big changes to businesses across the spectrum. These trends and changes in the HR process offer businesses a great deal of promise going forward.