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Getting promoted in work is something that we all aim to achieve. While there are many paths to career success there are also several steps that should be taken into consideration to differentiate yourself from others and to rise to the top of your profession.

Here are 5 tips to help you get the promotion you want:

Track & Quantify Your Accomplishments

One of the more difficult things for anybody to do is to keep track of their accomplishments. Start by creating a log to help you take notes of weekly results and easily quantify your progress. For example how many new hires did you help to onboard? What channels did you use to attract them? Did they stay with the company? If yes how long? etc.

This will help when you want to show your value.

Go Outside Your Comfort Zone

You may excel in your role and of course, that is important but do you ever push yourself and the limits of your work? In other words, do you have ideas that could help the way your department could function and do you make those suggestions to your manager? Take the initiative and make your ideas heard.

Finding new ways to improve certain aspects of your job or your department like suggestion new recruitment software, training courses for employees, onboarding methods etc. will show your ability to innovate and provide change for the better.

Stay Up To Date

Trends are forever changing in HR on a yearly basis. It’s important to stay up to date with those trends and to implement them where you see fit. Following HR blogs and influencers are a great way to see what is going on in your industry.

Next time you’re in a meeting a topic may arise that you have read about and you can give some knowledgeable insight into it

Further Education / Training

This is one of the top promotion tips to consider. You obviously had the right mix of education, skills, and training to land your current job, but continuing your education and obtaining additional training could propel you to the next level.

Create Opportunites

This tip is often one that is overlooked. Asking for a promotion or even to discuss a promotion is the best way to create an opportunity. There may not be an opening at the time but putting your name forward puts you in the limelight for when an opportunity does arise.