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Allowing change and growth in the workplace is a good thing. Creating opportunities to allow your employees to move out of their comfort zones, learn new skills, meet new people and challenge themselves to take on new projects will always be a positive thing.

If an employee is dissatisfied with their role they will walk, but if you provide them with opportunities to learn and grow they will want to stay knowing that the company has their best interests at heart.

4 Tips To Stop Employees From Quitting

1. Let them try something new

Having employees that are constantly clock watching and doing the same repetitive tasks on a daily basis is a spell for disaster. Allowing them to try something new like joining a working committee or a shadowing leadership programme.

This will allow them to develop new skills or take on a different project and is a great way to motivate and expand employees responsibilities. In the long run, it will make them refocus and fall in love with their job again.

2. Allow flexible hours for further study

Letting employees have flexible hours to pursue their education benefits both them and your company. When employees learn new skills, it helps you fill challenging positions in different departments. Offering to cover their course costs if it matches future roles shows that you care about their growth in your organization.

3. Ask them to share their ideas

One of the top reasons employees say they leave an organization is because they felt unappreciated. Asking them for their input is a simple, yet effective, way to demonstrate appreciation.

It also relays the message to employees that you do pay them to think, not just to work and shows them that you respect their judgment, knowledge, and experience.

4. Give continual feedback

As tasks grow more complex and interdependent, people need more feedback. Employees need to feel that they are heard by their managers and they need it more often than twice a year. There is a correlation between employee engagement and periodic feedback. Not only will it help prevent any work-related issues arising but it will also give employees the opportunity to give you feedback about how you can help them feel more engaged in the workplace.