Slow Down Aging

There is nothing that can cease the time to flow. As time flows, we age and we cannot stop this natural process no matter how much we hate it. But there is something we can do i.e. slow down the aging process. Looking and feeling young is what everyone wants. If it is possible in a natural way, nothing can be greater. So, from tomorrow onwards, do include the following eight superfoods in your diet regimen. These have superb anti-aging properties that gift a youthful look.

  1. Oranges – Since ancient times, this fruit has been well-known for its anti-aging ingredients such as, Vitamin C and beta carotene. Start your day with a glass of fresh orange juice, a natural energy booster.
  2. Blueberries – Antioxidants are great anti-aging molecules that not only slow aging, but also, help in rebuilding damaged cells within the body. When it comes to antioxidants, blueberries are high on this molecule content.
  3. Broccoli – Detoxification is important to stay healthy and look young. Broccoli is one vegetable which helps in removing toxins from the body and keeps the digestive system healthy. Eat broccoli twice or thrice a week. Use broccoli fresh bought from the market. Refrigerating them will remove natural phytochemicals contained in this anti-aging superfood.
  4. Spinach – Your kids are hooked on to the Popeye Show every evening. Popeye is fond of spinach and your kids have started loving this vegetable too. You will also like spinach when you know it can make you look young. Yes, spinach contains iron and calcium that are secrets to a younger looking skin. It also contains carotenoids that keep eyes healthy.
  5. Fish – Like oranges, fish is also considered as a wonderful anti-aging superfood since earlier times. Considered the best source of Omega-3 fatty acids, fish is a must in daily diet.
  6. Nuts – Gorging on fast foods during snack time is one bad habit that can ruin your health in the long-term. Bid adieu to this ruinous habit and satisfy your appetite with a healthy snack like nuts. Zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, selenium and fiber – these are all anti-aging elements and they are all present in nuts in sufficient amounts.
  7. Chlorella – Does Chlorella sound new to you? Let me tell you it is an algae. It’s a great anti-aging superfood having Chlorella Growth Factor or CGF that triggers skin cell growth. Include chlorella to your daily diet and admire your youthful look in front of the mirror.
  8. Green tea – According to studies and research, green tea reduces the risk of suffering from breast cancer. Our body contains estrogen and excessive amount of estrogen can maximize the risk of developing breast cancer. Green tea restricts its amount in the body.

Few years ago, experts from Columbia University Medical Center (New York) conducted a research on the effectiveness of green tea on breast cancer prevention. 40 women were a part of this study.  The data was presented at the 11th Annual AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research in October 2012 in Anaheim, Calif.

When you feel good from inside, it will reflect on your face. So, take out some time for indulging in activities that make you happy and relax your mind, soul and body. And don’t forget to have these superfoods.

Stay fit, stay young!