Wall Street protests continue to spread across major cities in the U.S. as Americans voice their concerns for the future outlook and well-being of the nation. Presently, these protestors are still being criticized for having no concrete agenda or “goal” in the leaderless movement. How are these visceral grievances of economic inequity not clear to the eyes of these critics? The call for economic equality, social justice, and the ban of corporate greed has been heard. This is their message.
Initially called for action by anti-consumerist group Adbusters, the Occupy Wall Street movement began on Sept. 17, in Zuccotti Park, formerly known as “Liberty Plaza Park” of New York City. Now in its fifth week, Occupy Wall Street has gained an abundance of media attention, proving its growing momentum of the once unheard voice of “ordinary” people. Occupy activists use major social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, to post updates of the ongoing series of demonstrations for the general public.
Hundreds of Facebook and Twitter accounts have been used to promote Occupy’s efforts and to amplify its resonance. WeArethe99Percent blog on Tumblr continues to post images of average Americans, both young and old, voicing the hardships and injustice of living in the financial crisis of our current economy. The unemployment rate is at a high of 9.1 percent. This does not take into account those who work endless hours just to make ends meet on bare minimum pay and those who work relentlessly to pay off debt and loans.
WeArethe99Percent takes a stand against economic inequity. It brings attention to the fact that the top one percent of Americans controls approximately 42 percent of the country’s financial wealth. There is a clear disparity of wealth in our nation. Occupy Wall Street aims to do just that — to bring economic justice and equality for all.
Click here to see 11 charts on the discrepancy between the top one percent and the top 99 percent of America.