It’s finally happened!Google Uncover Your World

What I have been talking about for the past 3 years has finally happened in a big way!

We first saw hints of Google’s next evolution with the idea behind Semantic Search where your history was a factor in your search results and this has been integrating more and more over the past 3 years, I have talked about it often in my SEO posts and it is a very important factor when talking about SEO that we understand that your search results and what appears on your page 1 of Google, Bing etc.. is personalised and therefore you cannot ‘game’ the search engines for better ranking ever again!

So please STOP paying for “Guaranteed Page 1 SEO services” as of course they can guarantee you Page 1 on your computer!! But they CANNOT guarantee you page 1 on my computer as my search history is completely different than yours.

The Integration of the Social Graph:

Over the past 12 months we have seen the byte by byte integration of the Social Graph into our search results so that those with lots of social activity relating back to their website will naturally rank higher than those without.

Google Plus Your World Search Integration:

Now we have the full integration of Google+, the Social Graph and Semantic Search announced by Google in this headlining post: Search Plus Your World calling the new bundle of semantic, social graph and Google+ by the laid back and unsensational title of ‘Your World”. Obviously give this gentle and non-confrontational title to smooth the edges of users fears, I am pretty sure that Google have taken note of the privacy fears of Joe Public with Facebook’s retreat and subsquent promise to abide by the terms set out in their court agreement, and loads of other instances over the past few years.

Matt Cutts had more to say about ‘Your World” in this post: Sharing a Search Story where he shows this image and then explains what we are seeing:

Search Google Your World

“In the top row of pictures, you’ll see a bunch of people playing werewolf, including a picture of me as the werewolf in the top-left image. Doing a generic search like [werewolf] or [photos] and getting back a picture of you or your friends is a pure, magic moment.

Let me tell you how it happened. I have Brian “Fitz” Fitzpatrick in a circle on Google+, because he’s in charge of Google’s Data Liberation Front and he’s an all-round awesome guy to boot. Fitz published an album of 25 Werewolf photos shortly after the conference. Okay, but I’m only in one of the 25 pictures; how did Google return the picture of me first? It turns out that Brian had tagged me in that single photo.

Once you know the trick, it might not seem like magic anymore. In fact, this is the “things just work” experience that everyone in the tech industry strives for. But when I searched for [werewolf] and got back a recent picture of me playing werewolf, it did seem like magic right then. I suspect as more people take Search plus Your World out for a test drive, they’ll quickly experience similar magical “Aha!” moments like I did.

I was reading some of the comments on tech blogs, and I wanted to clarify something: Search plus Your World does surface public content from the open web, not just content from Google+. For example, look back up to the top-right image from my screenshot above. That’s actually a werewolf photo that Gina Trapani took and it’s hosted on Flickr, not Google.”

via Matt Cutts blog

Just one more note on this, if you read between the lines and look at what else is going on, one of my Fav things to do :) you will note the use of the words “Google Plus Your World” perhaps a not-so-subtle inference that Google+ is about to become a LOT more important than first thought by many. Read the article I wrote on Google+ just after it first launched in 2011:

My Advice – get yourself a G+ profile AND a G+ page for your business and then work them both 10 minutes per day :)