A lot of naysayers complain that Google Plus doesn’t have what it takes to help businesses succeed. Those critics obviously haven’t taken a deeper look at what the site offers. When you know these following four secrets, you can maximize Google+ so that it works for your business.

Secret #1: You Need a Google Local Page

google places for businessImage via Flickr by velorowdy

When it comes to socializing with friends, Facebook is pretty great. When it comes to learning more about local businesses, it’s a total flop. That’s especially true when you compare it to Google+.

When your business has a Google+ Local Page, you get plenty of advantages, including:

  • Detailed information that shows up in Google search results
  • Integrated Google Maps that can give you easy directions to the business
  • A picture of the business

Because this information shows up on Google search results, it doesn’t even matter how many people have Google+ accounts. What matters is that there were 4.7 billion Google searches per day in 2011.

Secret #2: You Need Google Authorship

Google+ lets you set up an Authorship account that connects your blog posts with your Google+ profile. Actually, that’s a rather simplistic way of looking at it, especially considering that Google’s search engine now uses Authorship as a part of its ranking algorithm.

When you set up Authorship, some of the advantages your business gets include:

  • The potential to increase page ranking when you establish yourself as a frequent writer
  • Making your posts stand out in Google search results by showing your picture and giving some basic information pulled from your Google+ profile
  • Better blog authority when people “like” your content

Secret #3: You Have to Get Involved

It’s fun to play on the Internet, but you have a business to run. That’s totally understandable. It’s important to notice that getting involved in Google+ is a part of running your business. Luckily, it doesn’t require as much time as Facebook and Twitter.

Use Google+ to form groups of people in your industry. It’s a great way to keep colleagues informed of market pressures and changing technology without having a lot of personal conversations.

You might feel like you’re wasting time when you spend half an hour on Google+, but you’re actually saving time by communicating with a whole circle of important people at once.

Secret #4: Use Google to Share Exclusive Promotions

Google+ doesn’t actually let you run promotions on its site. You can, however, use your circles to spread information about promotions. Include a link in your post that will take them to a site giving them the details or asking them to participate in some way.

Unlike Facebook, you don’t have to share your promotions with everyone. Instead, you can set up a circle of priority vendors. That makes the promotion truly exclusive. With a site like Facebook, you pretty much send the offer to everyone. What’s so exclusive about that?

What are some other ways that you have made Google Plus for business work?