There are several reasons why a bank might call in an overdraft. A few years ago, during the credit crunch, this occurred frequently and put many companies in financial trouble. Banks would say things like ‘your business no longer fits our risk profile’ or send a letter stating that ‘the bank’s policy for offering overdraft services is changing.’ For a business owner, this can be a very stressful situation and can threaten the entire operation.
So what are the options if this happens to you?
- Contact YOUR Bank The first step is to reach out to the bank to understand why your overdraft facility has been taken away. Review your recent transactions in your business bank account and consider any reasons they might have for this decision. Be sure to communicate in writing—an email is acceptable—so you have a complete record. You might be able to work out an arrangement where you cut your overdraft in half, and the bank offers you a loan for the rest, for instance:
If you have a £200,000 overdraft and the bank want to remove this facility, ask if your bank will provide you with a £100,000 loan and then keep a £100,000 overdraft in place. This spreads the risk for the bank and still gives you access to the full amount of £200,000. However, this only works if your business will support this model – do your sums or ask your accountant to do them!
- Talk to a NEW BankBanks operate in a competitive market so they want to win new business. If your bank won’t support your business then talk to an alternative bank. Don’t just assume that if your bank won’t help then all the others will be the same. Most banks provide business facilities and would be happy to discuss your business plan and financing needs – if you don’t ask you don’t get!
Factoring and Invoice Discounting
Historically, this was seen as a last resort or a signal that a company was having financial difficulty, but in more recent years having this type of facility has become commonplace. It can be a great way of raising funds from your current debtors for a commission to the factoring company. Depending on your circumstances you may be able to draw down between 70%-80% of your customer invoices so, for example if you were owed £100,000 by customers you could have between £70,000 and £80,000 in your account straight away which may reduce the need for an overdraft.
- CrowdfundingThis is a relatively recent phenomena which involves several small investors pledging money for a business or project. By spreading the risk between several small investors businesses can soon raise money in return for a potential equity stake in the company or a good return on investment. Several websites offer this service such as Crowdfunder or Kickstarter. You have to put together a good ‘sales pitch’ on the web site in order to attract investors, stating a target amount you would like to raise. If you don’t reach the target then then you don’t receive the funding. This could be a high risk strategy if you need to raise the funds quickly.
- Friends and FamilyIt may be tricky subject asking friends and family for money, but if you put together a proper proposal that everyone is happy with this could be a good way of raising money quickly. It’s very common that people say after the event ‘Oh you should have come to me, I’d have lent you the money.’ Most people will want to help and as long as you treat it as a business transaction then the social relationship should not suffer. It’s important to put together the correct paperwork and make sure the terms of the loan are agreed.
Company Rescue Service
For most companies an overdraft is a vital cornerstone of the business and without it trading may become difficult. It’s important to seek advice on how a company can carry on trading without having the necessary cash flow in place. For any director or company owner, running a business in a fragile state could mean they are trading insolvent. This is a dangerous position and could expose that individual to hefty penalties and implications. For information and confidential advice, be sure to seek the services of a professional business rescue and recovery specialist.