Are Facebook followers really worth anything?

With a belief that followers will eventually become leads who evolve into customers, the investment into building a strong social media following makes sense. Yet, it’s only valuable if there is a conversion at some point.

Otherwise, it’s just a huge waste of time and money.

A Syncapse report shows that Facebook fans are 80% more likely to become customers compared to those who don’t follow your page. This means your Facebook page can keep your current customers interested and help shape your brand’s image. Engaging with your target audience in this way is very valuable. But what if you want to boost sales?

If you’re hoping to flip your Facebook followers into customers, one way is to send more of them to your website. And since no one wants to be sold, sending your followers to your blog is a great way to guide them towards your sales funnel.

Here’re a few ideas to help you get started:

Expand the Content Your Users Love

Creating quality content takes time and money. In 15 Practical Ways to Improve Your Blog Today, Jerry Low shares that you don’t always have to focus on new blog posts. Instead, you can expand on what you already have:

“What topics seem to be most popular with your readers? Can you add more information to the post? Be creative – interview an industry expert, add in some new charts, make a video tutorial, and so on. The key is to focus on winners and make the best out of them.”

Take a look at your blog’s statistics and also your Facebook page’s insights. It will easily show you the most engaging content on your site and what resonates with your audience. Take a look to see where you can easily expand your most popular articles.

Give Followers a Reason to Visit Your Blog

Think how you scroll through Facebook. You may click on an interesting meme or picture, either with a simple thumbs up and maybe an emotional response if you’re lucky. But you never click through to an actual website just because you like a post.

Here’s a great example of a post from Be More With Less. I love that site but would never click through based on this post:

And here’s where the blog’s author shares an article with a short blurb at the top:

Give your followers a taste of what they can find on your site. Maybe article posts are not as sexy as a clever meme, but they share valuable content that potential buyers are interested in reading. And that’s who you want to engage.

Get to Know Your Followers

You know who is really great at engaging social media followers? The Instagram, Facebook and YouTube “stars” that have created a social media brand. They are their businesses and make money based on endorsements and advertising.

There’s a big difference between social media celebrities and retail/service businesses that just want more Facebook engagement. But we can learn a lot from these savvy marketers and implement their strategies in our own campaigns.

One of the things they do best is engaging with their followers. They talk to their fans, mention them by name, have contests, and share a lot of information online. I’m certainly not suggesting trying to become a YouTuber video star, but I am suggesting that you show some personality.

Spend some time on your Facebook page asking questions, responding to statements, and actually engaging in the conversation.

After all, that’s what Facebook is supposed to be about.