Facebook India mobile users

While Facebook is busy today in celebrating a decade of making the world more open, the India division has released some latest numbers. According to reports, the world’s biggest social networking giant and the most popular network in the country has more than 93 million monthly active users, as of December 2013.

Inching slowly towards the 100 million mark, the social network has also shared that about 80 percent of them access Facebook through mobile devices i.e. more than 73 million. The numbers should be a boost, specially the mobile users. The network reported more than 82 million monthly active users with the mobile numbers shooting up to 62 million during the April-June period in 2013.

The India numbers come close on the heels of the Facebook Q4 2013 earnings call. During the call Facebook posted it as one of the most strong quarters of 2013 with revenues of $2.59 billion and earnings per share of $0.31. The social network also highlighted that it now earns 53% of ad revenue from mobile, or $1.37 billion of its $2.59 billion revenue comes from mobiles.

Revealing the global web and mobile figures Facebook added:

1. Overall Facebook has hit 757 million total daily users and a cool 1.23 billion monthly users up from 1.19 billion in Q3 2103.

2. Mobile is witnessing 556 million daily mobile users up from 507 million in Q3, and 945 million monthly mobile users up from 874 million.

3. Facebook’s mobile-only user count increased significantly from 254 million in Q3 2013 to 296 million in Q4.

4. Facebook’s total monthly user count increased 3.36% this quarter and 16% year-over-year (172 million), in the US + Canada it only grew 1% from 199 million to 201 million in Q4. While the US and Canada have more or less reached to the brink, Asia and Rest of the World are showing a consistent growth.

Facebook MAUS Q4 2013

Though Facebook resists sharing country specific revenue, its growth in India has been consistent with 2 million new users being added every month in India. Good news for Indian marketers?