Facebook is seen by the majority as the ultimate social media marketing platform to engage with your customers and prospects.6 Ways to Increase the Marketing Effectiveness of your Facebook Page

Nearly 1 billion potential customers are using it, so why participate on any other social network. Everyone is on Facebook! It seems that marketing with Facebook will provide you with the means to reach and engage with all of them.

My quiet observation of businesses and brands displays to me that promotion activities seem to center around a singular and focused social media marketing objective of increasing Facebook “likes”. Often all other social media and marketing strategies are ignored because of this obsession. The longer term tactics of content creation, optimising for search engines and building email lists are forgotten in the “liking” acquisition frenzy.

The Danger of a Facebook “Like” Obsession

Research reveals that only 16% of your fans will see you posts on average. This low percentage exposes the danger of assuming that all updates are seen by all your fans.

Facebook has a control mechanism that limits how many of your pages updates are seen by your fans and followers. It is called “Edgerank” which determines where and what posts appear on each individual’s news feed. If it didn’t use this control technology then people who have “liked” 100 brands pages would be receiving 300-400 updates a day on their timeline. It would become so spammy that you would close down your Facebook page and watch more television.

Facebook uses several in built calculations to determine who will receive the updates, this is what limits the visibility of your updates.

  1. Affinity – which measures the relationship between the viewing user and the creator of the story. The closer the relationship the higher the score.
  2. Weight – Different types of posts carry different weights. The higher the weight, the higher the score.
  3. Time Decay – As a post ages it continually loses value.

There are ways to use Facebook to your marketing advantage.

So How do you Increase the Visibility of your Facebook Page?

Read and view the 6 marketing tips in the Infographic below.

6 Ways to Get More Engagement with Facebook

Source: GetPostRocket.com

What About You?

Is Facebook your major social media marketing channel? Is it working for you? Could you do it better?

What other digital and social media marketing tactics are you using successfully.

Look forward to hearing your stories in the comments below.

Want to Learn How to Market Your Business and Brand on Social Networks?

My bookBlogging the Smart Way “How to Create and Market a Killer Blog with Social Media”will show you how.

It is now available on Amazon. I show you how to create and build a blog that rocks and grow tribes, fans and followers on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. It also includes dozens of tips to create contagious content that begs to be shared and tempts people to link to your website and blog.

I also reveal the tactics I used to grow my Twitter followers to over 110,000.

You can read it now.

Image by vincos