This blog post is part 3 of our “How Do I Integrate My App Into My Marketing Ecosystem?” series. Read part 2 here.

Your-App-Plus-Your-Email-MarketingEmails are a ubiquitous form of communication in the modern world. Did you know that the average person sends about 26 emails a day? And that 48 percent of these emails are opened on a mobile device?

This presents both a problem and an opportunity for app marketers. The problem? People have a lot of content crammed into their inbox and your daily deal, customer newsletter, or lead nurturing email might get lost in this enormous pile.

The opportunity? Because half of all these emails are read on a smartphone or tablet, you can use this channel to drive app downloads. Then, you can use in-app behavior to create more personalized emails that resonate with each recipient.

Here’s how:

Tip #1: Tell your email subscribers about your app and encourage them to download it

There’s a good chance that your marketing team has a precious list of people who have opted into receiving email communication from your company. These subscribers represent a highly engaged brand audience who regularly want to hear from you. So, use this medium to tell them about your awesome new app and bump up your downloads.

Here is an example from CVS. Notice how they used concise copy, impactful visuals, and deep links embedded in their email to announce their app and drive people to its listing page.


Tip #2: Use in-app behavior to better inform your email marketing

Web marketers know that a targeted email marketing strategy is the key to nurturing your leads and keeping your customers engaged with your brand. But nobody will read your company’s emails if they’re irrelevant. That’s where your app can help. Use in-app behavioral data (i.e. what your users are doing inside your app) to better personalize your email marketing campaigns. Look at what products people favorite, what items they add to their mobile shopping cart, what screens they spend the most time on, etc.

To see this tactic in action, check out how CVS uses information on what products people browse in its app to trigger applicable email deals.


Tip #3: Use profile data collected in-app to better target your email campaigns

No matter how much time consumers spend glued to their beloved smartphones and tablets, they have a life and identity outside of their mobile device. Remember, your app users are real people so take every opportunity to learn more about who they are. Depending on your app type, you can collect profile level data (like demographic information, gender, interests, location, etc.) inside your app and then use it to better customize your email campaigns.

For instance, when I downloaded Uber’s app and set up my profile, I specified my gender as female. Now, Uber sends me emails about important women’s issues that I care about.


Big Takeaway: Email marketing pumps users into apps and in turn, apps pump more personalized content into emails

If someone is engaged enough with your brand to subscribe to your emails, then there’s a good chance they’ll be interested in your app too. Let your email subscribers know when your app goes live and pay attention to how they use it.

This additional insight will help you create emails that get noticed, read, and acted on (not deleted or shunned to the dreaded junk folder).