
Customer relations don’t stop after the products are delivered or the services are completed; they can actually begin at that point. A strong aftersales team can greatly impact a company’s goal of delivering the best customer experience. It’s essential for customers to feel satisfied and to know that a company values them. While most companies have support centers for aftersales issues, modern technology has made it possible to set up help desks for easier customer communication.

A small business may have one centralized help desk in charge of all concerns but large companies may have several ones to take care of various needs. Some companies have in-house help desks while others outsource from other companies that provide that service from within the country or abroad. Note that customers who benefit from help desks may be the company’s actual clients who paid for goods/services or its employees.

Here are reasons a help desk customer support is important:

  1. Customer satisfaction. When the customers are satisfied, you can say that help desks have already become advantageous to your business. More happy customers usually mean an increase in revenue because customers who are happy with helpdesk support return and even recommend your products or services to others.
  2. Improved quality. When customers turn to help desk for support, the company is given the chance to look at the issues and use information to improve on the quality of goods and services.
  3. Enhanced skills for those who handle issues. Staff members become experts in their areas thereby promoting prompt responses and resolved issues.

Employees who know that they have a reliable support department are happy and satisfied in the workplace. These are some of the reasons internal help desk support is also beneficial to your business:

  1. Work is more efficient. One email to the help desk is an assurance that the issue will be solved in no time. Employees need not leave their work area to go find someone to help. It only takes a few minutes to report via email and the extra time may be spent working on something else.
  2. Smarter multitasking. Your support team can work on several issues at once. They are able to pinpoint which areas are problematic, plan site visits when necessary, and resolve issues in particular areas.
  3. Track trouble ticket times. When you have a reliable help desk system, you are able to track the turnaround of issues right away.
  4. Ability to prioritize tickets. Different issues require different levels of priority. When your help desk is visually aware of available tickets, the more important ones are less likely to be pushed at the end of the line and are addressed right away.
  5. Assignments are clear. When your support team members clearly know their assignments, accountabilities are also made clear. A good help desk system automatically assigns tickets to the correct technicians thereby avoiding mistakes and finger-pointing.
  6. Recurring problems are resolved right away. Previous issues are recorded in the help desk database so when a similar problem arise, how it was addressed before may be easily retrieved and resolved. If the same problem recurs, you will know that something must already be changed or fixed as soon as possible to avoid future recurrence.

A help desk, whether for your customers, internal users, or both can prove to be beneficial to your business. As in every relationship, one of the keys to a lasting one is communication. A help desk support team is made available so customers and users are able to communicate issues in the products/services or the internal system. The team in return resolves such issues, leaving the company in a good light.