SantaIf you’re like me, your holiday wish list doesn’t involve fur coats, yachts or a deed to a platinum mine. What I really want is to find new ways to better understand my buyers and create content that they will actually find value in reading.

The thing is, we struggle with the same things our clients struggle with – creating content that buyers actually read and that makes an impact on the bottom line. We all know how important it is to know your buyer, but if the content is not geared toward that buyer, it will never be seen. However, knowing your buyer is not enough.

According to a recent survey conducted by ITSMA, more than 40% of B2B marketers are now using buyer personas as part of their strategy, but only 15% considered their persona marketers very effective. The reason? There is a huge disconnect between the personas and the content created.

What we see time and time again are huge investments on persona projects (both in time and money) that become meaningless because no one takes the time to bridge the gaps between the buyer, the messaging and the content.

Here are 4 ways that will help you connect buyer personas to better content:

  1. Take the time to get to know your buyer. Whether it’s through a full-out persona project or a combination of internal and external research. Yes, it can be as simple at that!
  2. Take the time to write key messaging that fits what you learned about your potential buyers.
  3. When you’re planning your nurture content, do a sanity check and make sure those key messages are woven throughout ALL of the content you create.
  4. Don’t forget your older content. Go back to existing content and verify those messages are there. If they are not, do a refresh with the key messaging. You’ll not only have a whole new wave of content to work with, but it will be content that is actually downloaded and read.

For some more insight on personas and messaging, check out our upcoming webinar Connecting Buyer Personas To Better Content on January 22, 2015 at 1:00 EST.