eBooks are the best giveaways if you’re looking to build a strong relationship with your customers. I’ve been writing about sale funnels and new startups for a very long time. And, my observation has recently pointed something important from a marketers and customers point of view. And usually we, the marketers forget the basics about giving free incentives to our subscribers. Further, signing up for a newsletter to get free EBooks is another simple method to get your customer’s interests spiked.
Why An eBook?
Amazon initially launched the idea behind an EBook subscription. People nowadays don’t have time to actually visit a library or buy a book to read. Digitally-shaped revolution has taken things at a faster pace, and also simplified availability. Hiten Shah, the CEO of Kissmetrics beautifully stated that “Having a childlike curiosity will get you more target oriented results, not only in marketing but also in real life”. So, the curiosity is the key to get people interested. If your customers are not charmed, chances are, that they won’t visit your site again.
Here Is Your Cheat-Sheet
Free incentives have always been the priority of your customers, as well as a boost for your brand’s image. Most probably, you know about it or are considering to use this free bait in your future or current campaigns. But, chances are still there that most of you don’t know how to do this awesome trick. It will not only boost your subscriber’s list but also get you spot-on traffic. So, here are my 4-best-tricks to get you started.
Camouflage MarketPress Coupon Code
Most probably, you’re using MarketPress, so you can easily use the coupon option to get more subscribers. It’s a simple method of adding two plus two. Offer a free EBook as a downloadable product on your newsletters and use your website as a platform. To make it more curious, add a code and share with your customers, which can be sent to them in an email. Or, simply use the coupon code on your welcome email for the first-time subscribers. You can also add some discount offer within the purchase of a particular product or service and beautify the deal as well.
Cloud-based EBook With Cloud Storage
This is my favorite and the easiest method to drive more result oriented traffic to your website. You simply have to use any cloud-based app or software to do this tactic. Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Mega etc. can be used for this purpose. CEO of Softwarekeep, Ronnie Teja, says that “You just have to embed the link to your welcome email by using the public file sharing URL. However, to generate more traffic towards your website add free EBook takeaways in your first-time subscriber listings”.
Use Downloadable Page
A lot of the top marketers are using downloadable pages to drive traffic to their websites. Many also quote this as an awesome way to generate repeat traffic. So, if they are doing it, why not you? There are no hard-and-fast rules applicable to this option either. You simply have to ask your developer to create a page to host the link to your free file. Then, the next step is to embed the link on the page with your uploaded file and share it with your welcome email. See Simple!
Go To Password Protected Links
Your EBook is your treasure. And, you don’t want to just give it away for a free sign up. There is no curiosity here. Only simple mumbo-jumbo. So, why will people think it as an important giveaway from your end? So, here is my tip, password protect the uploaded file link and use it when a first-time subscriber initially signs up for your services or newsletters. You can share the password in the welcome email separately to also build personalized conversations. This way, you get a two-way help. You get to personalize with your customer as well as build more strong leads.
Free Incentives Are Your Best Friends
There are thousands and thousands of reasons that I can write and the article will go on. But, my initial thoughts on writing this piece was to see how you can build strong brand image but also target more subscribers. Cold email marketing is generating results over a period of months, but with this strategy, you can target a more specific audience. Think about it as your sales funnels final impact to aim a more interested group of consumers. There are other methods to generate results too, but I’ve shared the ones I’ve tried and tested. So, do write to me and tell me more about your ebook giveaway approach.