The past Google algorithm updates, namely Panda and Penguin, have dramatically altered the landscape of digital marketing and SEO. Now, the search engine giant is favoring websites containing valuable and relevant content, and penalizes websites that are resorting to gaining spammy backlinks.

Aside from a great design, websites should also have relevant and fresh content uploaded regularly. This does not mean, however, that websites like yours should churn up just any type of content. A truly successful content marketing campaign requires you to produce quality content. Therein lies the difficulty for some Atlanta businesses to succeed in their online marketing strategies.

The Growing Importance of Having Quality Content in Online Marketing

Overwhelming Amount of Information

Businesses, even the big brands, are realizing the importance of utilizing content in their marketing strategies, and have undoubtedly been publishing numerous posts on their websites. This becomes a problem for small businesses and startups who usually lack the time to continually produce content. The Internet provides people with access to near-limitless content. So getting yours to stand out is hard when almost everyone can post fresher, more relevant, and higher quality content.

Will Content Marketing Still Work?

Given this situation, small businesses owners will no doubt be overwhelmed. This does not mean, however, that they don’t have a chance of getting their brands known online. Content is now the new method of advertising, while the traditional ones are on the verge of being obsolete. When done the right way, you can use high-quality content to your advantage and reap numerous benefits for your business.

For one, publishing high quality content, with specific keywords naturally optimized, will result in better SEO, and thus an improvement for your website’s rankings. Moreover, what you publish on your website contributes to your audience’s perception of your brand. Content also gives your target market something to talk about, especially when you share your posts on social media and social sharing sites. The buzz you make among your target audience builds authority and leads to an increase in your revenue as most brands are now experiencing.

Addressing the Challenge

Begin tackling this challenge of succeeding in content marketing by acknowledging that, aside from producing high-quality content, you’ll also need to curate it. People appreciate a selection of recent posts, videos, and content from other blogs more than a flood of promotional items just from you.

Want to learn how to grow your local business with content marketing? Download our Content Marketing Guide Instantly!