content marketing

Every business relies on the strengths of its products and how well it executes its sales plans. The key to selling is reaching the target customer for whom the product was designed. Companies create specific marketing strategies to attract potential buyers. The internet has connected the world on a single digital platform, making it easier yet more challenging for businesses to connect with the right audience. Modern digital marketing has emerged, with content marketing being a crucial part of it. If you don’t plan effectively, you could fall behind your competitors. To help you stay on track, here are seven essential tips for planning your content marketing:

1. Identify the Right Platform

Right Platform

If you don’t arrive at right platform at right time you will miss the train. Your customers have specific habits and choices where they like to go. You need to identify the right platform where they are present. In this process you also need to keep in mind the type of the business that you are looking to promote.

2. Choose Your Content

Choose Content

Knowing the habits of the customers helps you to make a choice of what to present to them. Online Marketing strategies focused on just selling are getting low results. Top performers are designing specific contents that focus to educate their customer or evoke some interest in it. Thus your content should result in human to human contact and not look like advertisement for selling.

3. Evade Boring Content

Never forget people are online to learn and have fun. Nobody likes to read content that is boring and fails to build any interest. The content marketing should comprise of contents that are focused on key points of being interesting, educating and humorous. Humor remains in the memory of a person which can bring the person back to your site or page and in the end lead to conversion.

4. Mix and Remix


Humor is one form to kill monotony and maintain interest. However this strategy works well with change in the format of the content. In place of plain words images and videos should be continuously rotated. In fact it has been found that videos and images have higher engagement rates as compared to just word contents. Including this mixing and remixing of words, images and videos in your content marketing ensures happier followers who are also target audiences.

5. Know Your Words

The important use of content marketing is that it automatically helps you in your SEO. Thus, while writing your content you should be aware of keywords that your customers are searching. There are many keyword planners available on internet. The Google keywords planner offers you advantage to find what keywords typed by the customers using products similar to yours.



Most organizations produce huge amount of data annually which they don’t utilize. By learning the art of data recycling and remodeling you can create highly interactive contents. These contents will contain facts and achievements of your organization over a timeline.

7.Something That’s not Business

Not Business

Branding of your business doesn’t mean that you continuously feed the audience with the mechanical or business content. A change is always welcomed and has a positive impact when you show that your business is not all bricks, cements and technology but is run by humans who understand the emotions. Many organizations today share the inside images of their offices with happy employees and/or images of them doing community services. This ensures stronger connections.