What is one effective tip for marketing a book or e-book to your existing customers/audience?

1. Choose Your Platforms Wisely

10 Tips for Marketing a Book or E-BookTry to balance your marketing between relevant social media platforms. Don’t spend all your time on Facebook if you don’t 100 percent believe your audience will be checking in with their Facebook accounts. Tumblr tends to be more image based and youth oriented, LinkedIn is more of the professional crowd and Instagram consistently reaches both audiences. Try to be smart with how you spend your time. – Rob Fulton, Exponential Black

2. Offer Bonuses to Complement the Book

10 Tips for Marketing a Book or E-BookThe most effective strategy I’ve found to launch my books is offering bonuses with them. A limited time bonus is a great way to drive sales among existing customers, and mini courses or a video series that dives deeper into the book are good places to start. Offering bonuses helps your audience get the most out of the book, and that helps you benefit from better reviews and your readers recommending it. – Natalie MacNeil, She Takes on the World

3. Grow Your Audience Before Your Book

11 Great Email Marketing SolutionsGrow your audience further before you even write one word of your book to make sure that your words get heard. Invite all fans to your Facebook or LinkedIn groups and host a podcast. Publish golden nuggets of wisdom and encourage fans to share these nuggets. Release your best chapter or two for free to build anticipation for your launch. – Joshua Lee, StandOut Authority

4. Write Guest Blogs on Similar Topics

10 Tips for Marketing a Book or E-BookWrite articles on similar topics to what your book covers on your blog, as well as the blogs of others that your intended audience regularly reads. This is best setup, before launching your book or e-book, to establish your own platform that’s ready once your resource is published. Include a link to your book or eBook at the bottom of each of these articles to drive visibility, links and traffic. – Brian Honigman, BrianHonigman.com

5. Give It Away in Chunks

ruchit gargShare snippets of the book with audiences online with links to download the full book. Make it easy for others to share snippets. This works great. –Ruchit Garg, 9SLIDES

6. Use Slideshare

Bhavin ParikhIf you already have a following on Slideshare, then marketing your new e-book on this platform provides a great way for existing customers to quickly discover your new content. Slideshare also offers handy embed codes that allow you to put your e-book in a blog post. Sometimes your audience just needs that convenient teaser before downloading a large document. – Bhavin Parikh, Magoosh Inc

7. Get Reviews From Publications or Professionals

Andrew SchrageSend your book or e-book to relevant industry professionals, magazines, websites and even other small businesses in your niche and ask them to read it and write a review. Post those reviews on your blog or website, or include them in your marketing emails. – Andrew Schrage, Money Crashers Personal Finance

8. Try PPC Retargeting

Brooke BergmanIf a customer shows interest in your book or e-book and doesn’t immediately buy or download, that’s OK. Most people won’t. Look into running a PPC retargeting campaign if your budget allows for it. When someone initially comes to your page, their browser will be cookied and as they keep browsing the internet, they’ll see your book everywhere. This qualified lead is more likely to purchase. – Brooke Bergman, Allied Business Network Inc.

9. Provide the Right Formats

Thursday-Bram 2Offering just one file format will not endear you to your audience. At a minimum, offering a PDF, a Kindle file and an EPUB file will cover the most common ways you can expect a reader to try to open your e-book. But if you’re working with a niche audience, do your market research to make sure that you’re offering your readers something they can actually open. – Thursday Bram, Hyper Modern Consulting

10. Eliminate the Hoops

Sam SaxtonMake it easy to download and read your book on any device. The more hoops they have to jump through (e.g., wonky formats or separate download pages), the more your audience will shrink. – Sam Saxton, Salter Spiral Stair and Mylen Stairs