Scientists have debunked the myth that we only use 10% of our brains. But the myth is persistent because it’s so believable. One of the worst offenders that makes this false statistic so convincing is marketing copy. Cliches invade websites and sales collateral like a particularly nasty insect species. Buzzwords and abstract phrases that mean nothing are everywhere, and they’re not doing any company any favors. If marketers would just put a bit more mental energy into writing original copy and content that communicates effectively, companies would see greater ROI.
Creative Communication Isn’t a Luxury Item
In an age where content overflows the Internet, the value of creative communication has never been higher. Companies that understand how to clearly convey their UVP will attract more leads and close business more easily. To put that value into perspective, consider what it would mean if your marketing copy could work just a bit harder, converting 20% more of your site visitors into quality leads for your sales team to target. Creative communication isn’t a luxury item you need just for the sake of looking cool — it’s a revenue turbocharger.
How to Escape the Cliche Trap
I experienced my first escape room a few weeks ago and quickly realized why they’re so popular. Escape is ecstasy. You experience a feeling of euphoria when you struggle, puzzle, and finally succeed in breaking through. Escaping the cliche trap will leave you not only with that incredible feeling, but also with more money in the bank. Here’s how to do it.
- Understand the real value your products and services deliver to your customers. So often marketing and sales teams think they know why their customers buy from them, but they miss key nuances of the thought processes that really sealed the deal. There’s a limit to what surveys and ratings reports can tell you. To dive deep into the minds of your prospects and clients, you need one-on-one interviews. When you understand what’s truly driving buying decisions, you can craft your marketing copy to reflect that insight — which will result in copy that converts leads into clients.
- Figure out what actually sets your company apart from competitors. Enough with the “We do xyz so you don’t have to!” “Do more with less!” “We go the extra mile!” “Innovative solutions for growing companies!” and my personal pet peeve, “Best-in-class!” If any of your competitors could put the same copy on their homepage (whether or not it’s actually true, since none of these generic claims are even provable), you need to keep thinking. What do you do that no one else does? What can your customers get from you that they cannot get elsewhere?
- Use sensory images in your copy. Abstract terms cause glazed eyeballs and nodding heads (and not ones that are nodding in agreement!). Liven your copy with descriptions that prospects can experience in their minds. Use metaphors, synonyms, and words that enable readers to mentally see, taste, hear, smell, feel what you’re talking about.
Is this process hard work? Of course it is! Creative communication isn’t for the faint-hearted. But when you exterminate the invasion of cliched copy and emerge victorious with new, fresh words that move your prospect to action, you’ll be smiling — pest-free and revenue-rich.