It was recently reported that the Colorado-based startup SlamData is working on creating an enterprise version of its open source analytics platform. Their solution allows users to see and understand NoSQL data and this will now enable larger businesses to visualize data more effectively. The platform will enable large businesses to visualize semi-structured NoSQL data by adding proprietary security and management features to the main open source platform.
There are many benefits that implementing open source data visualization tools can have on businesses. Potential benefits include:
More efficient data gathering. Open source tools enable larger amounts of data to be collected and processed in a way that is easily viewed and digestible. Rather than relying on static pictures of data, open source tools enable data to be viewed dynamically and distilled in ways that fit specific business goals.
Spot trends and patterns earlier and act on them faster. The right data visualization tools allow people to spot correlations between different processes and operations of the business. This leads to faster action on key information because trends and patterns can be identified more accurately and earlier. For example, if a company is experiencing revenue growth or loss in a specific area, data visualization could help leadership uncover the many factors that could be leading to those changes so that they can put a plan in place to maximize or reduce them for greater business success.
Use data to create a well-rounded picture. Data visualization via open source technology allows executives to build a more accurate model of the business based on a larger amount of accurate data, and to create an action plan based on correct and up-to-date information. Rather than focusing on one piece of information in a vacuum, accurate, dynamic data visualization enables executives to see how every part of the business affects each other and is affected by outside factors as well, making for more accurate planning and strategizing.