Every week, we take a look at the Retail Social Juice Index’s (RSJI) top moving brands of the week and share how these retailers connected with their fan base. All five brands that earned spots on the Big Movers This Week utilized photos and calls-to-action, though each did so differently. Here are the specific strategies these brands relied on to top the Index:
Tactic #1: Get Nostalgic
To earn the top spot on the RSJI’s Big Movers This Week, Spencer’s shared a photo that really clicked with the brand’s target audience. The post was short, simple and to the point and absent of any links or product mentions. The photo highlighted an old-school communication tactic — note passing — and asked fans to “like” if they once passed similar notes in class. The picture clearly made likers reminisce, as it earned over 28,000 shares and 451,000 likes—nearly a quarter of the retailer’s Facebook liker-base!
Tactic #2: Rely on a Famous Face
As the Jets prepared for the start of the 2012 NFL regular season, Jockey took advantage of the buzz around brand spokesperson — and new Jet — Tim Tebow. With fans already anticipating the season kickoff, the brand shared a photo of the athlete. Jockey asked fans to help support Tebow by liking the update—a request that over 10,000 fans obliged!
Tactic #3: Use Competitors’ Buzz to Engage with Fans
On the day that Apple was scheduled make the much anticipated iPhone 5 announcement, T-Mobile relied on its fans to show support for the iPhone’s competition—the Android. The retailer shared an eye-catching image that boldly read “TEAM ANDROID” and asked likers to share the photo to announce their loyalty. While Apple’s iPhone 5 was being unveiled, over 50,000 fans were busy liking T-Mobile’s Facebook post, confirming their Android adoration.
Tactic #4: Pay Tribute
Though many brands took a break from promoting themselves to pay respect to the 9/11 tragedy, Hallmark was the only brand that took a spot in the Big Movers This Week by doing so. Over 10,000 fans liked Hallmark’s photo remembering the day and the lives lost. The post serves as a reminder for brands to take a step back once in a while to truly connect with fans on a deeper level.
Tactic #5: Curate Content from Pinterest
We’ve seen this strategy before, but it continues to work for brands! ProFlowers earned the final spot on the Index’s top movers when it shared onto its Timeline a popular photo that had been making its way through Pinterest pin boards. The shot, titled “Flower Owls,” is eye-catching, original and fun — plus it’s right up the alley of interest for ProFlowers fans. The post earned over 5,000 likes and 3,000 shares!
Is your brand sharing the right photos on its social streams? Talk to us!