Fellow Creators –

I was inspired by a response to a previous post on my blog, “Is Creativity Divine?”, and it was such an insightful build I just had to elevate it to its own blog post. So, consider the following a guest appearance by Jeffrey Davis, who also just so happens to be a recent guest on the Ideasicle Podcast. You may want to read my previous post first in order to get the context of Jeffrey’s remarks.

Take it away, Jeffrey…

Will: I just came across this post, so apologies for the delayed comment. Thanks for this illuminating reference. I’ve never heard the Trinity described this way. A couple of references: One of the oldest Yoga philosophies – and not religions – is Kashmir Shaivism. The central image is that of Shiva as a natar. Natar translates loosely to “actor” and “dancer” and “Self.” That is, the Self is an intentional actor who has five supreme acts – among them the capacity to let things dissolve naturally (like old habits and patterns) and the capacity to let things emanate and manifest (i.e., create anew). Many commentaries on the texts in Kashmir Shivaism describe the universe as being inherently creative – that just as a painter cannot NOT paint the universe cannot NOT create. Creativity in this framework is indeed divine. Whenever you see an image of Shiva dancing (often described as “Lord of the Dances” but it’s really also “Lord of the Acts”), you’ll see an image of you in creative “action.”

The other reference is the root of the word “inspiration.” It’s the same as “aspiration” and “perspiration” and “respiration” – “spirare.” Literally, it means “to breathe.” But it’s related to “spiritus” which translates to wind, breeze, soul, spirit, energy. In Sanskrit, a comparable word is “prana” and in Chinese a comparable expression is “chi.” In our interview I talked about breath in neurological and physiological terms for your audience, but there’s much more to breath than brain waves. It is the connection to the divine moving in and out, dissolving old patterns and emanating new ones.

Many thanks, Jeffrey, for the thoughtful response. I am extremely intrigued by the spiritual nature of creativity. And your comments only deepen my curiosity. I hope it deepnens yours as well.

Now let’s all get out there and make like dancing Shivas!