personal-blogsWriting has been one of my favorite hobbies since I was 10. I have stacks of diaries, notepads, journals and blank books filled to the brim with my ideas, feelings, inventions, poems and short stories. Once my father bought the family’s first computer in the mid 90s, I was hooked. I’d open up text file after text file, writing short stories and poems. It was there that I wrote my first manuscript.

And so, as an adult, it’s no wonder that I have been blogging and managing blogs since 2011. Blogging was a natural evolution for me. It took my short stories and ideas out of blank books and let them live online. It enabled me to share my ideas with the world, gather feedback and revise. Blogging lets my ideas come alive, enabling me to learn more about people and the world than ever before.

Whether you’re a writer or not, blogging is a healthy way to share your ideas and thoughts. Having a personal blog creates a judgement-free zone for your ideas to thrive. You don’t have to be a great writer, or have a big following, or be an expert in a certain topic. Blogging enables you to write about what you love. It’s a breeding ground for creativity. And no matter who you are or what you do, you’re creative. We all are.

Personal blogs don’t require blog editors, editorial calendars, SEO, or a rigid approval chain. While all of these things are crucial in the business blogging world, personal blogs can defy all of that criteria. Reason being, personal blogs do not have the same goals as business blogs. Business blogs might look to grow pageviews, conversions, blog contributors, etc. A goal of a personal blog can simply be to have a place for the blogger to share and be themselves. My personal blog goal is to achieve a mental break (for myself and the reader).

Since I’ve been blogging, I have not written in a journal. Sometimes I think about the nostalgia of writing, and how I can tuck that away in a box that no one can open but me. However, for some reason, I stray from it. I think it’s because blogging has opened up a new world for me. I’ve met amazing people, worked at great companies, read some awe-inspiring posts, and written more than I ever have before. The writing doesn’t have to stop when you hit the last page of the blank book anymore. With blogging, your words live on forever, and the last page may never come.