Are you one of the 86% of B2B companies using social media? Or are you sitting on the sidelines, not sure how to get started or maybe just waiting for the right time? Don’t wait. B2B social media is huge and we have proof.
In a previous post we brought you 12 Tweetable Statistics Prove B2B Social Media ROCKS; now, we bring you even more data in the form of an infographic. Not having time or resources is no excuse for not participating in the social sphere. Your customers are there. Why aren’t you? And remember, social media isn’t the ownership of the marketing department. Sales, customer service, product development, and the entire organization needs to be social.
Check out the infographic below from Mashable for a breakdown on social media usage, predicted growth, and more among B2B marketers.
Is your company using social media? Let us know what success you’ve had in the comments below.